KT Problem Solving and Decision Making
A 3-day intensive learning experience during which you will learn now to use the following KT clear thinking processes.
Based on their initial research, they founded Kepner-Tregoe, a company that continues to analyze and develop thinking processes for critical business applications. Kepner and Tregoe spent thousands of hours observing the practices of both effective and ineffective decision makers responding to complex, repetitive challenges. Their findings became the foundation for Rational Process, the Kepner-Tregoe method for effective organization management. Their book, The Rational Manager, (McGraw Hill, 1965) has become a business classic, translated into many languages and read throughout the world.
Today the processes are used to achieve sustainable results by millions of people throughout the world. The first to introduce the “train-the-trainer” concept—developed as a methodology for transferring company approaches to clients.
Day 1
Teach:Course Intro
Teach: Questioning and Listening
Coffee break
Situation Appraisal / Discovery
Teach: SA Identify Concerns
Practice: Situation Appraisal Part 1
Teach: SA Set Priorities
Practice: Situation Appraisal Part 2
Problem Analysis (PA) Intro
Teach: PA State and Specify
Practice: PA State and Specify
End Day 1 and plan for day
Day 2
Review Day1 and objectives Day 2
Teach: PA Develop Possible Causes
Practice: PA Case Identify Possible Cause
Coffee break
Teach: Evaluate and Confirm possible cause
Practice: PA Case Evaluate and Confirm
Application: PA Application with Debrief
Coffee break
Teach: Think beyond the fix – Overview
Practice: PA Case Study
End of day 2 and plan for day 3
Day 3
Review Day2 and objectives Day 3
DA Discovery (Project Predicament – 11:33 min) with Group Discussion
Teach: DA Clarify Purpose
Coffee break
DA Case: Clarify Purpose with Debrief
Teach: DA Evaluate and Choose
DA Case: Evaluate and Choose with Debrief
Coffee break
PPA – Discovery exercise with debrief
Teach: PPA
PPA Case or POA teach (optional)
Situation Appraisal: break down any situation into specific components, and determine who will do what, and by when.
Create a clear and complete list of all the issues related to a particular situation:
- Use three key criteria to put the list in priority order, so action can be taken on the right thing at the right time
- Plan appropriate action for each concern and assign involvement to ensure the best outcome
- Communicate priorities and ownership easily
- Problem Analysis: a structured way to quickly find the cause when things are not working as they should.
- Define problem scope through setting up a simple, clear problem statement and then use four key categories of information to precisely describe the problem
- Identify the problem using Kepner-Tregoe’s unique approach of comparing items that do not have the problem to those that do, use clues to identify specific changes that caused the problem
- Create and test hypotheses about possible causes to eliminate ones that don’t support known facts
- Confirm the true cause before taking action to fix it
- Decision Analysis: understand how needed benefits will influence your choice, see how well various options meet your needs, and ensure that your choice can stand the test of time.
- Identify scope and gain consensus by focusing on identifying objectives, then choices, and finally on risks before committing to a final choice.
- Identify criteria that will be used to evaluate choices, including clear measures of success
- Understand which criteria are mandatory and which are not, and how much influence non-mandatory criteria will have
- Use simple-but-robust techniques for comparing performance of alternatives
- Consider risks associated with alternatives
- Brainstorm a list of things that could impact the success of a plan or action
- Put the list in priority order so action can be taken on the right thing at the right time
- Identify and prevent possible causes for each potential problem
- Prepare actions to minimize effects if problems happen along with triggers to ensure those actions happen only when needed
- Learn Potential Opportunity Analysis: a similar process for identifying and leveraging future opportunity.
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